Michael Cottam's Photo Galleries
Click on any photo to see a slideshow of full-sized photos, starting with that photo.

Rainbow as we arrived
Rainbow as we arrived
  Gary Lewis and Rodney Smith with Hungarian partridges
Gary Lewis and Rodney Smith with Hungarian partridges
  Gary and his dog Liesl and a pheasant
Gary and his dog Liesl and a pheasant
  Gary and his dog Liesl and a pheasant
Gary and his dog Liesl and a pheasant
  Rodney Smith and a pheasant
Rodney Smith and a pheasant
  Rodney Smith and a pheasant
Rodney Smith and a pheasant
  Michael and pheasants that the whole group got
Michael and pheasants that the whole group got
Michael and Rodney with a pair of Hungarian partridges
Michael and Rodney with a pair of Hungarian partridges

See a classic view of this gallery.    

Photographer: Michael Cottam